I completed a PhD at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) and a post-doctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; Cambridge, USA), studying how the ocean controls hurricanes intensity and how hurricanes can in turn influence the climate via their interaction with the ocean.

I founded the Science Feedback initiative to help the scientific community play a leading role in tackling online misinformation and providing the public with accurate information on scientific issues.


  • present2015

    Science Feedback

    Founder & Executive Director

  • 20222019

    Sciences Po Médialab

    Research Scientist

  • 20182018

    Factmata Ltd

    Data Scientist

  • 20172015

    University of California

    Research Scientist (Center for Climate Communication, UC Merced)

  • 20142012

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Post Doctoral Fellow (Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate)

Education & Training

  • Ph.D. 2011

    Université Pierre et Marie Curie

    Ph.D. in Oceanography & Climate

  • M.Sci. 2008

    Ecole Normale Supérieure

    Master of Science (Geophysics)

Honors, Awards and Grants

  • 2020
    Ashoka Fellow

    Ashoka Fellows are the world’s leading social entrepreneurs. They champion innovative new ideas that transform society’s systems.

  • 2019
    Make Our Planet Great Again

    An initiative of the French President Emmanuel Macron. Announcement

  • 2018
    Best Climate Solutions award, Special Mention of the Jury

    The Best Climate Solutions 2018 Award was organized by CMCC Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change in partnership with the Festival for the Earth. Announcement

  • 2016
    Climate Feedback crowdfunding campaign

    Stand with Science campaign on Indiegogo

  • 2015
    CITRIS ‘Data & Democracy’ grant
    Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (Berkeley, CA, United States)
  • 2012
    NOAA Climate & Global Change Fellowship
    “The program helps create and train the next generation of leading researchers needed for climate studies and has developed an outstanding reputation of attracting the best and the brightest PhDs in the relevant sciences.”

    NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellows

  • 2011
    Best thesis prize in Earth, Universe and Space Sciences
    from the Airbus Foundation (ex-EADS) (Paris, France)
  • 2011
    Best thesis prize in Geophysics
    from the French National Geophysics Comity (Paris, France)
  • 2011
    Best thesis prize in Oceanography
    from the French Navy Academy (Paris, France)