Public Speaking and Teaching

Invited talks and seminars

  • African Media and Journalism Days, Special Climate Change

    United Nations Palace, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct 2019

    “Pour contribuer à la sensibilisation du plus grand nombre sur les questions posées par le réchauffement climatique, l’Association Africa 21 organise ses premières journées des médias et du journalisme en Afrique du 14 au 16 octobre 2019 à Genève.

    A l’intention d’une quinzaine de journalistes africains, cette rencontre parrainée par les autorités suisses et le Bureau de l’ONU à Genève entend placer ces enjeux du climat et du développement durable au cœur de leur projet éditorial.”

    En savoir plus:

    Extrait du Programme:

    Journées des médias et du journalisme en Afrique, spécial changement climatique, un événement exceptionnel organisé par Africa 21 à Genève du 14 au 16 octobre 2019

    Débat – Changement climatique : entre science et scepticisme, interprétations et données. Quelles sont les sources fiables ?

    Modérateur : Jonathan FOWLER, Responsable de la communication et des affaires publiques à l’OMM

    • Chloé NABEDIAN, journaliste et présentatrice météo à France 2 (Groupe France Télévision)
    • Emmanuel VINCENT, Fondateur et directeur de Science Feedback
    • Marianne GIROUD, Météorologue, Météo suisse
    • Fiorenza GAMBA, Enseignante et chercheuse à Institut de recherches sociologiques de l’Université de Genève
  • 16th International Weather and Climate Forum

    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Paris, France, May 2019

    L’Atelier-Media “Communiquer sur le changement climatique” est organisé chaque année dans le cadre du Forum International de la Météo et du Climat, qui est un évènement majeur de mobilisation et d’éducation réunissant différentes communautés. Cet Atelier permet d’échanger sur les stratégies de communication au niveau international et de mener une réflexion approfondie sur la façon de communiquer plus efficacement sur le changement climatique auprès des téléspectateurs, mais aussi des décideurs.

    Fake news sur le climat : stop aux idées reçues !

    Valérie MARTIN, Head of the “Citizen Mobilization and Medias” Department, ADEME

    Emmanuel VINCENT, Research Scientist at Sciences Po Médialab. Founder and Director, Science Feedback

    Cette présentation en binôme a dressé un panorama de la multiplicité des sources d’informations plus ou moins exactes sur le net concernant le changement climatique et montré l’impact sur la perception du public, Face aux fake news sur le climat, les présentateurs météo ont un rôle essentiel à jouer et il faut profiter de leur influence pour rendre la science accessible au grand public.

    Programme complet

  • Don’t think of a polar bear: media, news and the future of climate change

    International Journalism Festival, Perugia, Italy, Apr. 2019

    The media ecosystem is facing a big challenge that requires journalists to hold together many different issues in the same story: to be compelling for people, to maintain the reliability of the scientific information, to find the right frame to tell how such a complicated issue is relevant in public opinion.

    This panel will address these topics with experts coming from some of the leading experiences in the field that encompasses the communication of climate change for public opinion at large, the use of scientific information in the media, the role of the future and young generations in the climate debate.

    Organized in association with CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.


    • Mauro Buonocore


    • Daisy Dunne, Carbon Brief
    • Emmanuel Vincent, Climate Feedback
    • Arthur Wyns, Climate Tracker
  • Comment lutter contre la désinformation scientifique?

    Colloque Sciences I Médias, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, January 2018

    Comment lutter contre la désinformation scientifique ?

    Quels moyens pour limiter la diffusion des « fausses vérités » ou corriger une mauvaise information ?

    Lors de cette journée, il s’agira de mettre en perspective les points de vue de différents professionnels tels que des sociologues des sciences, des scientifiques, des journalistes, des bloggeurs… afin de comprendre les enjeux de la diffusion de l’information, quels sont les problèmes rencontrés et quelles solutions pourraient être apportées.

    Qui choisit les experts scientifiques et comment ? Quelles informations sont choisies et comment ? Comment rectifier une mauvaise information ? Comment préparer les scientifiques à l’échange avec les médias ?… sont les principales questions auxquelles nous tenterons d’apporter une réponse.

    Conférence introductive par Valérie Masson-Delmotte, climatologue, vice-présidente du GIEC

    Table ronde
    Comment choisit-on les experts scientifiques pour les médias ? 
    Audrey Mikaëlian, journaliste TV
    Mickaelle Bensoussan, rédactrice en chef de Ça m’intéresse
    Julien Guillaume, responsable du service presse du CNRS

    Quel est le rôle des scientifiques dans la désinformation ?
    Nicolas Chevassus-au-Louis, journaliste
    Emmanuel Vincent, directeur de Climate Feedback

    Table ronde
    Comment préparer les scientifiques aux médias ? 
    Cécile Michaut et Audrey Mikaëlian, journalistes et formatrices en média training
    Roberto Vargiolu, ingénieur d’études au Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (CNRS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon/ ENISE)

    Table ronde
    Médias numériques : comment sont créées et vérifiées les informations ?
    Pierre Kerner, alias Taupo, maître de conférences à l’université Paris Diderot, blogueur (Strange Stuff And Funky Things), vice-président du Café des Sciences et fondateur des collectifs Vidéosciences et Strip Science
    Florence Porcel, auteure, comédienne et animatrice, créatrice de la chaine Youtube La folle histoire de l’univers
    Didier Pourquery, journaliste, directeur de rédaction de The Conversation France

    Les algorithmes : comment font-ils remonter des informations et permettent-ils de traquer la désinformation ?
    Francesca Musiani, chercheure, Institut des sciences de la communication, CNRS
    Gilles Dowek
    , informaticien, chercheur à l’Inria

    Quelle attitude face à une information erronée ?
    Jean-Marc Bonmatin, chercheur au CNRS
    Gary Dagorn, journaliste aux Décodeurs du Monde

    Entrée libre sur inscription

  • SciFacts II: Fact-Checking Claims About Science

    The Poynter Institute workshop, The National Press Club in Washington, D.C., USA, October 2017

    SciFacts II: Fact-Checking Claims About Science

    During this special daylong event we will explore how journalists can combat misinformation and cover evolving or contradictory findings without reducing trust in the scientific method. We’ll also look at the evolving role of scientific reporting in public policy.

    During the day, we will explore:

    “A New Study Says” – But Does It Really? Reporters and academics will discuss how science reporters can deal with a field increasingly concerned with reproducibility, p-hacking and an evolving hierarchy of sources. Panel includes Laura Helmuth, The Washington Post, and Courtney Soderberg, Center for Open Science.

    Pre-Publication Fact-Checking: The National Geographic Process. Brad Scriber, deputy research director for National Geographic, will take you step-by-step through the magazine’s fact-checking workflow.

    Our lunch conversation features a Q&A led by Poynter’s Kelly McBride with FAAR speaker Dr. Howard Shaffer.

    Post-Publication Fact-Checking: Climate Feedback’s Method. Climate Feedback founder and project lead Emmanuel Vincent will address fact-checking published articles and viral fakes.

    Lessons from Misinformation on the Climate Change Beat. What can science reporters learn from the organized campaign against climate science? How should they interact with skeptical audiences? Panel includes Aaron Huertas, Science Communication Media, Tristram Korten, a Miami-based journalist; and Emily Atkin, New Republic.

    How Conflicts of Interest Get in the Way of Truth, and What We Should Do About It. Panel includes Gary Schwitzer, HealthNewsReview. Gary Schwitzer, HealthNewsReview, and Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, Georgetown.

    Getting Science Right Even Off Your Beat: Tools and Resources for Your Reporting. Panel includes, Rick Weiss, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and Gary Schwitzer,

  • SciFacts: Fact-Checking Claims About Science

    The Poynter Institute workshop, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, June 2017

    SciFacts: Fact-Checking Claims About Science

    We are bombarded by news releases, scientific studies and an evolving hierarchy of sources. How do you sort through what is real, what is noise and what is flat-out deception?

    During this special daylong event we will explore how journalists can combat misinformation and cover evolving or contradictory findings without reducing trust in the scientific method. We’ll also look at the evolving role of scientific reporting in public policy.

    You will learn:

    The best methods and tools to verify the many false claims, misleading press releases and dubious findings reporters are confronted with every day
    The best way to report on topics in a way that accurately reflects the degree of certainty and consensus
    During the day, we will explore how viral hoaxes duped science reporters worldwide and discuss common errors of covering new studies. We will lead you through a hands-on session on fact-checking claims and articles, plus we will brainstorm on the best techniques to report truthfully at a time of low trust. Finally, we will address the challenges of specific beats within the science desk (climate, health, etc.) in small-group sessions.

    Invited speakers:

    • John Bohannon, Contributing Correspondent, Science
    • Emmanuel Vincent, Project Scientist, University of California, Merced; Founder,
    • Vanessa Schipani, Science Writer,
    • Jill U. Adams, Science Journalist
    • Stuart Buck, J.D., Ph.D., Vice President of Research Integrity, Laura and John Arnold Foundation
    • Usha Lee McFarling, West Coast Correspondent, STAT
    • David Mellor, Project Manager | Community, COS
    • Wendy Zukerman, Host, Science Vs
  • Climate Feedback: how climate scientists can rise to the challenge of online misinformation

    University of Chicago Computation Institute & Geoscience department, Chicago, USA, Jan. 2017

    “”: How Climate Scientists Can Rise to the Challenge of Online Misinformation

    Misinformation on scientific topics abounds online, both “fake news” and plain misunderstanding. Facebook and Google are now taking steps to counter the spread of false information on their platforms, but they need partnerships with scientists to identify misinformation and promote trustworthy journalism. The Climate Feedback initiative aims to rise to this challenge. Climate Feedback organizes scientists to collectively review news stories about climate change and rate their scientific credibility to provide feedback to readers, journalists, and editors. We are now moving to the new challenge of expanding our scope significantly and providing information in near real-time to social media platforms. Applying our approach at scale poses new computation challenges, including text mining to identify and characterize climate change articles; automated matching of articles with reviewers; automatic claim detection and extraction; and tracking the origin and spread of “fake news.” In this seminar, we will discuss the progress made so far, the opportunities ahead, and the ways you can get involved in these efforts.

  • Communicating Climate Change panel

    Society of Environmental Journalists' 26th Annual Conference, Sacramento, USA, Sept. 2016

    Communicating Climate Change panel

    Children born today will live through an era of rapid global warming in which the future of the climate no longer looks like the past. But public awareness of the urgency of the climate challenge remains low even as journalists report more deeply about how global warming will alter our cities and environment and how we’ll have to adapt to those changes as wildfires rage, ice sheets melt and seas rise. A panel of journalists and climate communication experts will discuss how the media can effectively communicate the urgency and complexity of the climate threat with reporting that rises above the white noise and encourages audiences to pay attention.

    Moderator: Bobby Magill, Journalist | Photographer

    Patrick Gonzalez, Principal Climate Change Scientist, Natural Resource Stewardship and Science, U.S. National Park Service
    Jon Krosnick, Frederick O. Glover Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Communication, Stanford University
    Emmanuel Vincent, Project Scientist, University of California Merced, and Founder, Climate Feedback

  • Strategies For Effective Science Communication: A Roundtable Discussion

    Climate Institute, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, USA, Apr. 2016 - Roundtable Discussion with Laura Feldman, Mary Nucci and Rachael Shwom

    Strategies for Effective Science Communication: A Roundtable Discussion

    On Thursday April 21, 2016 Rutgers Climate Institute sponsored “Strategies for Effective Science Communication: A Roundtable Discussion” featuring Dr. Emmanuel Vincent, Center for Climate Communication, University of California – Merced  and Rutgers professors Lauren Feldman (Journalism and Media Studies) and Rachael Shwom (Human Ecology) for a discussion moderated by Professor Benjamin Lintner (Environmental Sciences). Communicating about scientific issues like climate change can be difficult even for experts as scientists or students of science face the challenge of conveying complex ideas or topics while avoiding unfamiliar language and terminology.  This roundtable event was designed so that students and faculty could gain insights into science communication from these experts. Dr. Vincent described his work with the Climate Feedback initiative in which he organizes scientists to review influential climate media articles for accuracy by annotating them in a web-browser so they can be peer-reviewed on-line in a timely manner (within a news cycle).

  • Tropical Cyclone - Ocean interactions: Implications at the climate scale

    Second World Meteorological Organization Conference on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, New Delhi, India, Feb. 2012

    Second WMO international conference on Indian ocean tropical cyclones and climate change

    The main focus of the conference will be on the linkage between tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean and climate change. The broad thematic areas of the conference, focused on the Indian Ocean, are as follows: – Climate change and tropical cyclone activity over the Indian Ocean • Construction, archival, reconstruction of best track and historical data sets • Analysis of trends and variability in historical tropical cyclone activity • Projections of tropical cyclone activity changes over the 21st century – Tropical cyclone and climate change related physical science themes • Climatological Characteristics of Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones • Past trends and future projections for climate variables closely related to Indian Ocean tropical cyclone activity • Relationships between tropical cyclone activity (genesis, frequency, intensity, motion) and large scale climate • Status and plans for operational Tropical Cyclone Forecasting and Warning Systems in the Indian Ocean region • Recent developments in statistical and NWP modeling for tropical cyclone forecasting. • Societal impact of Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones • Assessment of risk and vulnerability from tropical cyclones – Impact of cyclones on the economy, infrastructure and society in individual Indian Ocean countries. • Analysis of major cyclone events including societal impacts • Vulnerability due to cyclones and changes in cyclone behavior. • Historical trend analysis of tropical cyclone landfalls or impacts. • Disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation for tropical cyclones”.

Science Outreach

  • Reviewer for Climate Feedback

    Assessing the scientific credibility of influential climate change media coverage (2015 - 2017)

  • Fostering more accurate science coverage : Using Science Expertise to Evaluate Journalism

    UC Merced Library's ``Evaluate Your News Evaluation`` exhibit (Merced, USA, April 2017)

    As part of the International Fact-Checking Week and the UC Merced Library’s “Be Aware: Elevate Your News Evaluation” exhibit, we invite you to join us for a talk by Dr. Emmanuel Vincent, lead of Climate Feedback and project scientist at UC Merced’s Center for Climate Communications. His presentation will address the importance of evaluating science news, common forms of misleading information, findings from the Climate Feedback project and strategies for continuing to change our public discourse.

    Background: The public discourse around a subject like climate change is often highly polarized, and news coverage of such a subject can be challenging to interpret. In an endeavor to foster more accurate reporting of climate change, more than 200 scientists from around the world are annotating news articles on climate change and rating them for accuracy and credibility at The goal is to help readers identify trustworthy sources of information and promote critical thinking so we can all better challenge misinformation.

  • Investing in a Sustainable Future - Presentation on Climate Change consequences

    Economic Growth & Environmental Constraints Conference (Cambridge, USA, April 2014)

    Economic Growth & Environmental Constraints Conference

    The goal of this conference is to stimulate thinking and discussion about the relationship between economic activity and environmental impacts.

    A particular focus will be on investment: Can socially motivated investments lead to changes in the overall quality and direction of economic activity? How can investments help reduce resource extraction and consumption, promoting a sustainable future?

  • MIT Climate Colab

    Reviewer of crowd-sourced projects that aim at addressing Climate Change (Fellow of the 2014 contest)

    Climate CoLab

    The goal of Climate CoLab is to harness the collective intelligence of thousands of people from all around the world to address complex societal problems, starting with global climate change.

  • Santo 2006 International Biodiversity prospect team

    Member of the pedagogy team - Teaching in classes from primary school to high school (Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu, Sept-Dec 2006)

    Teaching in classes from primary school to high school. Realisation of a series of posters for the schools of Vanuatu .


Licence 1 (Bachelor 1st yr)

  • 20102009

    Physics of Waves: Sound and Light

    UPMC LP106

  • 20112008

    Students personal research projects in ``Energy and Climate``

    UPMC LXP10

Licence 2 (Bachelor 2nd yr)

  • 20092008

    External Geophysics : introduction to atmosphere and ocean circulation

    UPMC LT208 (TD1-TD2)

Licence 3 (Bachelor 3rd yr)

  • 20092008

    General Oceanography

    ENS (TD1-TD2-TD3)